Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 29 - End of Induction

As of today, we have concluded the "Induction" phase of Jake's treatment. We finished the steriods yesterday and everyone is happy. We went to the clinic today and Jake had his spinal tap with MTX injection and bone marrow aspirate. We will hopefully know the results Friday or Monday. We also suspect that Jake has become lactose intolerate.

Since Dr. Shore was away on family leave, Dr. Wood did the procedure. They had a new doctor who started recently at Children's Mercy and they wanted her to do the procedure but I stuck to my guns and insisted on Dr. Wood. I felt bad for doing this but a couple of things happend in the hospital a few weeks ago. First, a doctor who had a fellowship at Children's Mercy did Jake's first bone marrow aspirate and she couldn't get it done so another doctor had to finish up for her. They stuck Jake 3 times! Second, Jake's IV became inoperable so they had to find another vein. Three (3) seperate nurses stuck him and couldn't get it done. They finally had to take him to the OR to get a doctor to do it. Each nurse insisted that they could do it while Jake screamed for mercy each time. They already experimented on Jake enough.

We are going to have a quiet but restful Thanksgiving with just the three of us. Poppa and Grammy will be coming by Thanksgiving night to light the tree. The family gathering was cancelled to keep sick family members at bay. Jake's ANC (2310) , platelet (208,000) and white blood count (8.07) are returning back to normal. He is doing well and we are thankful.

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