Thursday, December 11, 2008

Clinic Day

Every Thursday (sometimes Wednesday when Thursday is a holiday) we have clinic. We go into Children's Mercy for various procedures. The worst days are when he is getting Chemo through IV, bone marrow aspirate and spinal tap. Today was just the spinal tap.

Jake somehow knew today was clinic day. We don't know how but he suspected it. He started to panic and cry well before our ritual of EMLA creme on his port to numb his skin. By the time we loaded him into the car, he looked totally defeated. We try to soothe him with his favorite movies and books but those are slowly loosing their lustre against the scray clinic.

Jake met a boy named Collin in clinic today who is 5 with ALL. He was diagnosed last year. Like Jake, his legs began to hurt and then he stopped walking. His doctor sent him home saying he was having growing pains until someone finally decided to do a blood test.

He was very nice to Jake. Collin let Jake play with his ball and Jake read to him his favorite book of cars. Collin also showed Jake his port but Jake took no comfort in it. We are hoping for a day when clinic does not cause Jake so much anxiety.

On the bright side, Jake is more mobile and trying so hard to walk!

Jake, if you read this one day please know how much we love you and mom and dad wishes we could go through all this for you.

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