Thursday, January 8, 2009

Clinic Visit from Hell

We had another clinic visit today. He is in another phase within Consolidation where they try to kill any remaining Leukemia cells. It was an excruciating day. Because he had a bacterial infection two months ago, they put us in isolation. We were in a small room (approximately 10 by 10) with no ventilation. We also had to have the doors closed. For those of you who are parents, picture yourself in a room with a two year old for four hours and he can't go anywhere. On top of all that, they had problems with heating and our room was a burning inferno. Jake was unhappy and we were doing this to him during his nap time. Children's Mercy is a great hospital but I think they get really busy and sometimes forget the patient is a scared little person who is uncomfortable at best with what is happening to him. Mark and I feel very powerless to help him when we are there.

Next time, we will talk to them and take a different approach. I don't want Jake to have negative feelings about the clinic. He has 3 more years left with them.

Jake is doing great. He is getting back his independance that he had long ago. He is walking everywhere and don't need mom or dad helping him. He is becoming quite a communicator. The other day I asked him what he did at poppa and grammy's house. He replied "I watch TV. Sunny Patch." He gave Mark a box of Whoppers and said "Chocolate. Open?" Mark asked him "how do you know it's chocolate?" Jake replied "yeah, it is." We have to start watching what we say.

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