Sunday, August 23, 2009


Jake continues to blossom showing his personality. He has definitely picked up his dad's social abilities. He likes having other children around him and always attempts to make contact in some way. He's does well saying "What's your name? My name is Jake." We've noticed most of the children are shy but Jake finds ways to make them talk to him. I'm very glad that Jake takes after his father in this way.

We take him to the playground at Loose Park, Barnes and Noble children's section, Zoo or Zona Rosa's play area to name a few. We try to get him around children when we can. Jake is a natural leader and is very convincing in getting other children to follow or participate in his antics.

Jake is turning out to be a sweet and sensitive child. He is a quick learner and remembers EVERYTHING. I wish I had half his capacity for retention. We both grow to love him more each day.

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