Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Baby's First Christmas

Baby's first Christmas was wonderful! Mark decided to get Jake a potty for Christmas. We are going to let him sit in it before bath time to see if he is interested...for now. We'll get serious in the next 6 months or so. I got him a little music player that lights up. You hook it on to a crib. We play it for Jake to let him know it's night-night. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't matter what we do, he won't go to bed! Santa got him a cool book with pictures that move when you move the pages.

Jake woke up at 5 AM on Christmas. Great-aunt Kathy spent the night.

So we all woke up and opened gifts. Jake loved it when I tore the wrapping paper but he didn't care about the rest.

We got together with Anne T., the Sasses and their guest for Christmas brunch. Then we headed off to Grandma and Grandpa's house for more Christmas. Some more pics.

To all a good night!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jake's Christmas Program

Jake had his first Christmas program at his school. The teachers, Ms. Ashley and Ms. Crystal, made costumes for all the children. They gave each child a bell and they got to ring them along with Christmas songs. Nobody cried! If you dare to see the video, here is the link.