Thursday, February 12, 2009

A new plan

Jake finished his interim maintenance portion of his treatment today. We didn't believe them when the doctor told us that this was an easy phase since Jake endured 2 trips to the ER, plainful limbs, and many days of nausea. We received the new treatment plan for the next two months and they were right. Jake will be receiving numerous cocktails of chemotheraphy. Some of them are painful shots to the leg muscle which he will get for 3 days in a row, twice. That's six shots. Mark and I are dreading this for Jake. Around Mark's birthday we should finish this phase.

The new treatment plan will lower Jake's blood count. We will help him through this with healthy eating and cleaning the house from top to bottom. Keeping the house clean will be a challenge for me. I will have to find time saving gadgets. I love my Swifer WetJet for hardwood floors. My mom recommended it and it's been great.


Saturday, February 7, 2009


On Feb 2, 2009, they stepped up his chemo since his counts were better. The poor baby received Methotrexate and Vinchristine through his port IV and Methotrexate through spinal tap. He has painful days of arthritic symptoms and nausea following treatment. Since I had to go out of town this time during his bad days, Nana stayed with us to help out. Jake is getting so big, it's funny to see her pick him up because he is almost as big as Nana.

He has been gradually improving and today he was feeling much better. I took him down to the shops this morning. Jake greeted everyone with zeal. Jake picked out a Snoopy birthday card for Grammy's birthday. It's true that you give people what you want for yourself. LOL!

He had a great day of laughing and constant action. Jake's vocabulary is exploding. He is making long sentences that amaze us. He gave Mark a potato chip and said "Nana gave it to me." He knows most of his alphabet and can count to 20 easily and to 100 with a little help. He has amazing memory. Eventually Jake will outsmart us but for now we are enjoying teaching and nurturing our little chatterbox.