Friday, January 25, 2008


Jake is really starting to talk...alot. He spoke his first word, with intent, at the doctor's office. He looked at Mark and said "up" when he sat him down at the examination table. That was around 5 months.
Now he is making up words. He is starting to call Mark "Dado". He said "hi do" to me on the phone. Instead of Mom, up, he says "Mup." He is also becoming quite a parrot. He is very good at repeating words.
We had spaghetti the other night. Here he is enjoying.

Monday, January 21, 2008

1 Year Doctor's Appointment

Jake had his 1 year doctor's appoitment today. According to the doc, he is progressing well. He is 26 lbs. 8 oz and 30" tall. He received 4 shots and they drew blood to check him for lead and hemoglobin level. Two (measles and rubella) of the four shots were live but "injured" germs so that his immune system can fight it better. By the end of the visit he had 4 bandaids and tape wrapped around his arm where they drew blood. I felt really bad for him. We watched him all day but he showed no signs of discomfort.

This MLK weekend was a big one for us. Our baby is turning into a little man.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jake's Birthday Party

We had Jake's 1st birthday party at T-Rex. We had parents, good friends (Mayers and Anne T.) and relatives. The picture above shows Jake's birthday cake with the Diego theme. He loves Diego. You can also see Savannah Mayer in the background smiling.

Jake Digging into his birthday cake. It got messier after his second piece.

He had cake frosting up his nose, between his fingers and of course on his clothes.

Back home, we had an adult version of his birthday party with wine and presents from Mark and I. Jake got a big dump truck in this box. As we suspected, he liked the box. Jake was so wound up from the day, he didn't want to go to bed. We had plenty of people over and he wanted to party. What a year it has been and we are looking forward to more.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Happy Birthday Son. Mom and dad love you!

Jake less than an hour after his birth. Can you hear those lungs working?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Denver trip

Back in November 2007 we took a trip to Denver. We went to the Denver Art Museum. The musuem is made up of an old building and a new building which are connected together. They had some really nice art but the staff was very cranky and liked to yell at you for no reason. Mark had Jake riding on his shoulders (Jake loves it) and I had a big diaper bag, our coats and my purse. I was struggling to get the big glass door open when a guard came up to us. I thought for sure he was going to help me open the door. But no, he told us that Jake had to get off of Mark's shoulders. He gave us a stern look and left. What a jerk. I hope he doesn't have a part-time job at the DMV.

One of the good things that came out of the museum is that we took this picture of Jake that shows his naughty nature! Ah ha, it has been finally caught on camera.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Almost 1 Year Progress

Jake will be 1 year old this Saturday. We are taking him to his favorite restaurant called T-Rex. He is a very active little boy. He can crawl (at lightening speed now), can stand up, and climb stairs. He knows ball, up, all done, mom, dad, Pearl, bottle and bubbles. He likes to give me kisses on the cheeks. He hasn't grasped the concept of puckering the lips so I get very wet kisses. Jake looks to me for comfort but dad is the fun one. Jake knows no fear. He is starting to be a dare-devil. He catches onto things very quickly so Mark and I have to be careful what we say and how we act! YIKES.

After his birthday we will start weaning him away from his bottle. He gave up his bikie pretty quickly (at 6 months). I don't think the bottle will go as smoothly.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

3rd Molar

Jake has his third molar coming in and we can see it poking through the skin. His third molar is his upper left. He already has two other molars on the upper and lower right still coming in. So far he will have 11 teeth before he turns 1 year old. Poor kid. He had a hard time going to sleep tonight. He wanted to stay up with mom and dad. Here are some pics from our shannigans tonight!

You can see the lower right molar in this pic.

Mark and Jake were getting the mail and a couple of people (strangers) asked Mark if he adopted Jake from China because they were going through the process. Hmmmm...Mark told them that Jake was his biological child.