Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Jake's hair is rapidly falling. It started yesterday with his hair coming out in clumps. I was rubbing his head to comfort him and I had think layers of hair on my hands. It surprised me at first but knew this would happen sooner or later.

Jake also gave us a scare yesterday. He stopped walking and saying his legs hurt. We were fearing the worst that his cancer was back. Having a setback while in treatment is very rare and very bad. The doctor checked Jake's blood work from Monday and he feels all is fine and it could be the treatment causing leg pains.

We are doing better today. He started to walk again and since the steriods are starting to work out of his body, he has been a happy little boy. As a treat, we took him to the chinese buffet. He loves it and never wants to leave when we go. He likes to put noddles in a cup and eat the noodles out of it like he is drinking it. All the while he'll say "mom, I drink noodles."

We were in the grocery store tonight and we lost Mark while moving up to the checking lane. I asked Jake, where is dado. He said "I don't know?" Then proceeded to shout at the top of his lungs "Hey Mark where are you!?!" "Dado!?!" I swear everyone in Sunfresh heard him. I didn't care. I was so happy to have my confident, happy boy back.

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