Sunday, February 20, 2011

The final year

It has been a while since I've updated everyone on Jake's progress through this blog. We are on our final year of treatment. We felt so overwhelmed before but we are starting to feel a bit more at ease. We are definitely not off our guard but feel better. December 31, 2011 will be the very last day of Jake's treatment. The treatment abruptly ends on that day no matter what stage we are in as long as everything goes as planned. We get to throw away all the pills, syringes, grenadine that hides the taste of medicine, the dread and fear.

Jake will keep his port for at least six more months after treatment so that he can get his monthly pentamadine antibiotic to prevent him from getting a rare lung bacteria. We will have clinic visits every month next year but no more chemo. We are planning and saving for a big Disney vacation on New Years Eve so that we can properly celebrate.

We are starting to see Jake's unique personality. I definitely do not believe in the "tabla rasa." He has mannerisms and opinions about things that are his own. He has his way with the ladies and makes friends very easily. He is a sensative child that hates to get scolded. I hope he doesn't turn out to be a perfectionist because we will drive each other nuts.

We just got back from a special weekend trip to Louisville, KY to visit Shane and David from "The Upside Down Show." The duo are Jake's idols and during the whole experience Jake did not stop smiling and launghing. We felt joy vicariously through Jake like never before. It was a present from the Make a Wish Foundation. The gratitude and appreciation for the organization and the people who donate their time and money is immensely appreciated. One can't walk away from the experience without feeling the love and care the organizers put into the effort. Pictures, videos and details will follow. We will never make them public since this is all so personal and as a respect to Shane and David.


1 comment:

Jamie said...

How wonderful! You all deserve such a special weekend. And I'm so glad that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for keeping us up to date! Can't wait to see that little cutie again soon!!